Saturday, August 23, 2014

Crystallization of teachings of a Spiritual traveler: An Insight from RajaYoga Meditation.

Crystallization of teachings of a Spiritual traveler:
An Insight from RajaYoga Meditation.

-An Interview taken by Dr. Nitin Arora

28th July, Manama, Bahrain: Spirituality is a way advocated by all, practiced by few and misunderstood by most. On this auspicious occasion of Eid, I had conducted an interview in the domain of Spirituality for the benefit of my readers. We are fortunate to have with us Sister(Sr.)
Sr. Ansuya
Director, Bahrain Meditation Centre
, a meditation teacher and Director of Bahrain Meditation Centre. Bahrain Meditation Centre is located in Um Al Hassam in Bahrain,
the centre is a non profit organisation which provides seminars, lectures and experiential workshops in meditation, positive values, stress free living and self management. The Centre supports individuals in recognizing their own
inherent qualities and abilities and in bringing out their inner most potential. Working at all levels of the society the centre continues to inspire change and motivation to individuals and organizations.All sessions and activities are free of cost as a service to humanity, the centre runs on voluntary donations. Today we will discuss with her the vision and the journey of meditation, the motivations to be on this journey, the barriers and many more relevant questions. I am sure the interview will generate many incredible insights and experiential clues for seekers to implement and move forward or start spiritual journey.

Arora: What is meditation?
B.K. Ansuya: By far the deepest and most direct route to relaxation is meditation. It is no accident that for over two thousand years almost every ‘wisdom path’ has featured meditation as the core practice to achieve everything from relaxation to inner peace to mystical states of enlightenment.
The purpose of helping you to learn to meditate is not to turn you into a mystic but to introduce you to the practice of meditation as a way to the deepest form of relaxation – the relaxation of spirit. The most profound calm and serenity lie at the core of our own being; we have simply lost awareness of its presence. Spirit is what we are, sometimes referred to as soul, ruh, chi and atma. We each radiate energy in the form of spiritual light. That light emanates from the core of our being, and is entirely invisible. The quality of our thoughts and feelings will be according to the quality of that light. The atmosphere in a room is the result of the collective radiance of those in a room, a building, a community and even a nation – what we sometimes call vibrations.
Meditation is the deepest and most effective way to ‘let go’ of the attachments, fears and sorrows, which distort our energy and heal the spiritual wounds of the past. Meditation is the easiest way to see and transcend old patterns of behavior, gain a true insight into eternal truths, and dissolve the blocks that have stopped us from experiencing our inner peace. Meditation helps us to master our senses, maintain our focus of inner attention and therefore remain undisturbed by external events. However, practice and perseverance is required! Then we can truly begin living as human beings and not human doing.
The point of Consciousness
Arora: Why do you need meditation? Please describe the process of Rajyoga meditation and why this specific name was chosen for this meditation?
Ansuya: From the moment you are born, your attention is directed outwards. Firstly towards your own body, as you learn how to see and touch, how to move your arms and legs. Your attention is drawn outside yourself as you learn about your family relationships. You begin to walk and talk, and your attention is drawn to the world around you as you learn how it all works and how you fit in.
Meditation reverses the direction of your focus from outwards to inwards. You turn your focus away from the world around you, back to yourself. Sometimes meditation is described as taking an inner journey. As you journey within, you discover more about yourself. You find answers to the age-old question, "Who am I?"
You begin to understand that you are more than your physical and social identity. Although these physical and social aspects are part of your life, they are not the keys to understanding who you are. In fact, thinking of yourself as only a physical body makes you value yourself according to all the external aspects, such as physical appearance, age, gender, role, position and social grouping. All these physical aspects are constantly changing, and can leave you feeling unsettled and unhappy, if that’s all you think you are.
During meditation, you start to understand that your value lies in who you are on the inside - a unique human being. Meditation is the method to link deeply to this inner identity, where your true qualities exist in abundance - peace, love, truth, happiness, freedom and contentment.
In meditation, you will sense the difference between the physical you and the non-physical you. The body is an instrument for you, the soul. When you start meditating, you gently concentrate on the soul and experience your true qualities. This empowers your daily life.
The true self is the soul. You are a soul and you have a body.
The soul is subtle energy. The soul is spiritual energy, entirely different from your physical body (the form in which you dwell). You the soul are not black or white, young or old, healthy or unwell, male or female. You, the soul, are the life force in your body.

Everything about who you are is recorded in the soul; all your memories, thoughts and feelings. All the things that are intangible are recorded within the soul, such as beliefs and attitudes, hopes and dreams, memories and habits, personality traits. 

The soul is amazing - it has the ability to store everything about you, everything that makes you who you are. In the soul is contained a record of everything you’ve seen and spoken, everything you’ve done, and every thought you’ve created from the very beginning of your life.

Raja Yoga meditation redefines the self as a soul and enables a direct connection and relationship with the Supreme Source of purest energy and highest consciousness. Raja Yoga can be translated as ‘supreme union’, or as ‘highest connection’. Every soul has a right to experience this ultimate relationship. Raja Yoga meditation helps you to be a self sovereign i.e being a master over yourself.

Arora: Can you explain the connection of meditation with religion?
B.K. Ansuya: You do not need to belong to a religion to meditate. Meditation can be practiced by anyone of any religion and also by those who do not belong to any religion. Everyone can benefit from meditation.

Arora: Does Rajyoga focus a lot on the third eye? Could you tell our readers on the importance of third eye?
B.K. Ansuya: In Rajayoga meditation third eye is nothing but eye of enlightenment, the eye of knowledge with which you can perceive spiritual reality and there is clarity in everything I think and do.

Arora: What are the barriers to meditation?
B.K. Ansuya:  Past habits and the negative traits that have been tamed for a long period of time are the real hindrances. But with power of positivity one can overcome these barriers and move forward.

Arora: What is the minimum age of doing meditation?
B.K. Ansuya: Anyone can practice meditation irrespective of age.

Arora: What is human mind and why it is labeled as flickering entity? What is the importance of heart?
B.K. Ansuya: Every soul has three separate faculties, which are inherent in all human beings irrespective of place of birth. Just as electrical energy produces warmth, sound or light depending on the device through which it passes, similarly, the energy of consciousness functions through three different but closely connected faculties, referred to respectively by the terms mind, intellect, and personality.

The Mind: With the power of the mind, one imagines, thinks and forms ideas. Thoughts are created in the mind. The thought process is the basis of all emotions, desires and sensations. It is through the minds that, in an instant, thoughts reach anywhere, a memory can be relived and the feeling of happiness or sadness is experienced. The metaphysical mind should not be confused with the heart, the physical organ that maintains blood circulation.
The Intellect: Thoughts are processed and interpreted by the intellect. This is the faculty, which understands. The capacity to understand is perhaps the single most crucial ability of the soul. Clear understanding of anything is possible when the intellect becomes broad, deep and farsighted through the regular study of spiritual knowledge and the disciplined practice of meditation. The intellect also reasons, memorizes, discriminates and makes decisions. The non–physical intellect should not be confused with the physical brain, which is the physical focus of the nervous system. The brain is the soul’s control panel; it provides the facilities for the soul’s expression.
The Subconscious mind: Any action once performed leaves an impression on the soul. Habits, temperaments and tendencies are all embedded in the soul (as images, feelings, sounds, trains of thought, etc.) as a result of every action performed. The most fundamental feature of every soul, its personality, is determined by such stored impressions. These impressions, formed in the past, are the reservoir, which we draw upon, often sub–consciously, as our source of thoughts and actions in the present.
Arora: What is the importance of Out of Body experiences (OBEs) in support of realizing soul consciousness?
B.K. Ansuya: It has been observed that some people have OBEs. In Rajayoga meditation one practices the awareness of the inner being, so the experience of being a spiritual being and experiencing the core values of the self is a very natural and one does not need to have a OBE for that. 

Arora: What is the significance of chakras.?
B.K. Ansuya:Rajyogameditation is the practice of inner awareness and connection with Higher source, those who excel in this practice are the true Yogis who have the power of mind over matter and for them naturally all the chakras are open and there is no conscious effort nor identity of chakras involved.

Arora: What is the meaning of Om Shanti?
B.K. Ansuya:The full greeting is “OM Shanti”. OM means I’m a Soul, the spiritual being and Shanti means Peace. OM Shanti means I’m soul and embodiment of peace. Soul’s true nature is peace.

Arora: What kind of seekers finds difficulties in following your instructions?
B.K. Ansuya: The true difficulty is not in understanding but in practice. Practice and practice and practice, Awareness and awareness and awareness is the answer.

Arora: Would you give some message to our readers who have potential to be seekers but have yet not started their journey to discover their real self.
B.K. Ansuya: The path of Rajyoga is an interesting path to experience truth and I encourage everyone to try this journey of meditation to bring true peace, happiness and love in life.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Key Insights from Crystallization happening in Trading of Packaging Solutions for the Petrochemical Industry

Mr. Mohammed Jheir,
Jheir Trade Services Co.
Bahrain, 19th June 2014: Crystallization is a tedious process of formation of solid crystals. In trading context, crystallization indicates process of keeping customers intact in today’s competitive customer driven business. This interview will look for essential insights in trading business from the perspective of Mr. Mohammed Jheir, Owner, Jheir Trade Services Co.( The a family business and is into trading and consultancy services & plastic packaging solutions for the petrochemical industry.

Arora: What one major change you have witnessed that has shaped your specific trading services (packaging products for petrochemical Industry)?
Jheir: Shipment volume Size and plastic bag thickness. Bulk shipments, is when product is loaded directly in container using container liners, and loads of around 20 tons. 10 -20 years ago the world was not ready with infra-structure needed to load / unload bulk shipments, today it’s possible. On other hand, plastic bags thickness is being reduced to as low as 100 microns, and the bags are maintaining strength this was result of new polymers developments, This trend of increasing strength and size is what crystallized trend in our trading services is.

Arora: How do you explain on having successfully formed a ‘heart connection with customers’ ?
Jheir: Heart connection is the core! Nowadays on internet you can find any product, check price, buy it online from anywhere, and most critical, you may find alternatives and choices. But it’s only a good relationship with client will that differentiate a company from other. You have to prove that you really care about your client’s business growth. We had supported our clients by suggesting them alternative solutions even cheaper ones with fewer returns to us. This is honesty and real care. If this alternative solution helps them without compromising the quality, they will be happier and will remain connected with us for long. Some traders will not act like we act.

In trading business if you can demonstrate real honesty and care then even the trade barriers will not affect your business. Pricing will not be the only comparison factors in getting the order. Further, the client will always come back to you for not only for our core business but also for seeking recommendation for its other problems too. Repeat customers may not have heart connection with us. They just like our services. We have handful of customers, 10-15 only. If you lose one customer, you lose a big chunk of our client base. Good relationship is and will remain the core of our trading business.

Arora: What do you see as organizational strength that helps achieving an immortal status (self-sustaining for long) ?
Jheir: The customer can call me anytime 24x7 and even on public holidays. All my employees know that if customer calls them and if they don’t reply they know that they are in trouble. It’s common sense. We are not selling rocket science. If we don’t respond to them urgently, someone else will do. And this strength of ours is real only if it comes from our customer side.

Arora: How do you define your business lifeline? Do you see it even going to zero?
Jheir: Packaging industry will never die. But our business may stop if we deliver bad services. This is why we are diversifying into manufacturing some of our traded solutions and adding more products to our core portfolio. New competitors are inevitable who may reduce our margins and profit. This can happen.  

Arora: Is there a space for innovation in your company?
Jheir: Innovation in our business comes in our consultancy business but not in trading. It is not easy to change our product specifications or values, because customers use our product on their machines that are not easy to change setting frequently. Our manufacturing project, which is going to start very soon, will be manufacturing innovative products that satisfy our clients’ specific needs. And we will be the first one to do it in GCC.

Arora:  What are your organizational ‘possessed predictable-intelligence’?
Jheir: The network !
When the customers know that you are doing you level best to sell, deliver for them good quality products, they will trust you and then will cooperate and support you when you have a problem, which is normal with the size of business we do where chances of mistakes is there.  8 out of 10 mistakes could be resolved with good will cooperation between customer and supplier.  

Arora: What is that ‘unpredictable intelligence’ that you are eager to capture?
Jheir: Finance. With the team and knowledge I have, and can add when and if needed, in company I can execute any task. The progress and expansions however requires financing, which should be planned in way not to affect the ongoing business.  Banks do not finance unless you develop credit history, which leaves us the choice of financers.
Arora: Is your ‘possessed predictable intelligence’ sufficient enough to capture the ‘unpredictable a
Jheir: With Possessed intelligence I can continue as is. But this increases the risk of zero level on long run. With the financial crisis hitting the world regularly customers are becoming more price sensitive, and with the world trade organizations the market is becoming wide open to new competitors to our local markets.  If we do not diversify and expand into new projects, our profit margins will be reduced gradually to reach zero level.

Arora: What frightens your Organization the most?
Jheir: Our business is coming from one sector and has few customers only. If an earthquake (God forbid) hits jubail the main petrochemical zone in region, or Saudi Arabia stops oil manufacturing, or if war happens in region, our business becomes zero same day. We are therefore diversifying to avoid this fear factor that is embedded due to the nature of our business.

Arora: How does chaos look like in your work / Industry?
Jheir: I don’t have unmanaged chaos in my normal business. We sell high quality products, so customer returns and product damages are covered even by insurance or by a win-win resolution to problems.
The real chaos is force majeure that is causes beyond our control like war, political unrest, and other similar reasons where solution is out of our reach.   

Arora: What action is majorly taken after the completion of production if the complaints w.r.t. quality of product is received from the clients?
Jheir:  Hamdullah, so far we have not faced even one problem like you asked. In the first place, we make sure that we select good suppliers for our solutions and products and we strictly adhere to product qualifying process. Our employees conduct quality check visit at our global suppliers location to avoid the future problems. Not everything coming from China is of low quality. They also make high quality products. We just want to ensure that we are always standing next to our customers at the time of their disaster. If my product (whose worth is say 10000 riyals) fails the extent of damage to my customer could go to 2 million riyals or more. So if any problem happens, we first make sure we resolve the problem and provide alternative solutions to the customer so they continue their business. Other issues like returning the defective products, etc. could be done later. First solve the problem of client. Product insurance covers most of such situation else I simply can’t afford to have a problem of this scale that might arise due to product failure.

Arora:  What does harmony mean for you in your work and personal life? What you do to maintain it?
Jheir: Personal Life v/s Business. Till I am 50, I consider myself I am still in a building process where 80% of my time is allocated to business and 20% allocated to personal life. Later on,  this time allocation will start switching in favor of personal life where more time is allocated to my personal hobbies, family as business will take care of my expenses and lifestyle. Chaos is a part of professional harmony. I have been working now for 27 years, 13 of them as self-employed, I still a beginner in many aspects and avenues of business.

Other harmony is among my business team. My employees are like my family this is no cliché, One day, when my coffee boy told me that he had his first baby boy, I hugged him and we cried together of joy. Employees have to know that it is their company. I am sure that if I am away from the company for weeks, the company will run the same way as it is. I don’t interfere in their work. They take their own expert decisions. When they are stuck at some point / situation, they come to me and I take the necessary hard decisions. This coordination between employees and my decision makes professional harmony possible.

At time of chaos, and I really have a tough time, I do three things. First, I fix my relation with God by way of doing prayers and doing charity. Second, I do lot of sports to release the tensions. Third, I entertain myself, by listening to music and or watching movies alone. I listen to hard rock music like Deep purple or Scorpion. It gives me a good memory of my old college time and makes me feel good and fresh. When the music is loud in home they know it’s a sign that I have hard time, they get away from me. Even my wife! This helps me to forget about the problem and then I relax and start thinking about the solutions for the problem. Every problem has a solution and by keeping away from that checkmate type of mindset is what is needed to get back to my harmony state.

Arora: How your harmony can influence your employees, clients and personal life?
Jheir: My mood affects my employees’ performance and all the office atmosphere. The way I dress for example of Thursday it is casual, and good mood, everyone is affected and happy. When I am in really bad mood, my employees approach and try to be helpful and give suggestions this Harmony between myself and the employees in company is because we are very close. My employees feel happy and at home when they share their personal details with me. A way to identify successful companies is how they manage problem, chaos, bad moods, etc. If employees can step forward and handle the blame or they just roll the blame to others. My employees feel the pain more than me when they lose an order. I am proud of it. And this kind of feeling of employee is more precious to me which indicates their bonding with the company. This strong bonding will ensure that harmony will be restored any time it is lost.

Arora: What technical skills young business undergraduate / postgraduate business students should develop to be successfully recruited in your trading business?
Jheir: for the manufacturing project I need Industrial engineers, mechanical engineers etc. For my trading I need more of business management staff. After all, today’s technologies & software knowledge is as essential, such as MS office, reporting skills, presentation skills that are essential for communication among their own team and others.

Arora: What soft skills young business undergraduate / postgraduate students should develop to be successfully recruited in your trading business?
Jheir: Ethical and Behavioral skills. The candidate should know when to admit mistakes, and when to step forward in case other party did the mistake, customers are humans and do make mistakes, by time the customers will realize that it was not arrogance at all.

List of previous published articles

1. Arora, N (2014). Key Insights from Crystallization happening in Psychiatry Services. An Interview with Dr. Abdul Kareem Mustafa, Consultant Psychiatrist, Ibn Al Nafees Hospital, Bahrain (Interview Date: 16th June 2014)
2. Arora, N. (2014) Key Insights from Crystallization happening in Advisory Services. An Interview with Mr. Adnan Fareed, Senior Financial Consultant, Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organization, Bahrain. (Interview Date: 10th June 2014)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Key Insights from Crystallization happening in Psychiatry

Key Insights from Crystallization happening in Psychiatry
An Interview with Consultant Psychiatrist
on similarities between Psychiatry profession and Crystallization process. 

                                                           by Dr. Nitin Arora

Dr. Abdulkareem Mustafa,
Consultant Psychiatrist,
Ibn Al Nafees Hospital, Bahrain
Manama, 16th June, 2014: Crystallization essentially is process of formation of solid crystals from a homogeneous solution. In psychiatric consultancy context, crystallization indicates a process of restoration of individual resilience necessary to cope with uncertain bio-psycho-social situations. I had proposed a model on ‘Crystallization of SpaceTime’ which looks for insights from different industries / professions based on comparative analogies between crystal and business growth process. This is the second interview based article where I explore the similarities with crystallization process within the context of Psychiatric professional services. I am honored to have Dr. Abdul Kareem Mustafa, Consultant Psychiatrist, Ibn Al Nafees Hospital, Bahrain who has taken time out of his busy schedule to share his insights. I am sure that my business undergraduate students will get benefitted by reading the experiential advises of a psychiatrist. The conceptual readers can go deeper by seeing the similarities between the crystallization process and psychiatrist process aimed at restoring resilience in his clients.

Arora: Ultimately, how do you see a perfect psychiatrist treatment / counseling?
Dr. Abdul: After the counselling, I want to see my client as a person having no complaint, taking good care of himself and his relationships as well as doing his jobs. He should have developed resilience towards life uncertainties by living through them.

Arora: Can you tell about any forefather of psychiatric profession who has been proved false today.
Dr. Abdul: Definitely, Sigmund Freud.! His theory prevented growth of psychiatric profession for a period close to century. Medicine progresses by empiricism. Empirical research collects facts and then out of these facts you can think of a theory like that of Freud! On the other hand, Emil kraepelin’s classification of mental disorders has stood against all the recent classifications.

Successful Heart Connection with  patients

Arora: How do you access deeper layers of patient’s problematic mind?
Dr. Abdul: I need to integrate the bio-psycho-socio-spiritual aspects of client. This approach Is not only for assessment but also for psychotherapy, counseling or prescribing medicine.

I am not a great couch fan. You can see that I don’t have any couch in my clinic. Couch might be good for psychoanalysis which used to continue for 5 years, I prefer psychotherapy. I approach my client’s problem like approaching an elephant. Exploring its different constituents like tail, trunk, legs, etc and by all possible means to decode and synthesize the real cause of the psychiatric symptom. I support all drug therapies & complimentary therapies like hypnotherapy, diet regulation, reiki, yoga etc. Also, ECT is also one of the safest treatments in medicine and not only in psychiatry.  It depends on my client’s situation that which one treatment of mix of them solves the problem.

Arora: Is the significance of mind and heart different in your profession?
Dr. Abdul: There is no such place of Cartesian thinking in psychiatry. It’s actually an integration of Bio-Psycho-Socio-Spiritual. We have to encourage all to take care of all and not just a part to remain healthy.

Arora: Do you see any big benefits from winning hearts of your patients?
Dr. Abdul: We have to win hearts, without building rapport with the client we cannot help him. winning hearts is important to win trust of patients. We have some terms in psychiatry such as ‘transference’ or ‘counter transference’. Former term is from the patient’s side and the latter is from the psychiatrist side. You have to keep balance between wining heart keeping boundaries. If we don’t know how to keep the boundaries (the relationship between the patient and professional), one should not be in psychiatry profession. Keeping boundaries means keeping your interaction very flexible according to the interest of your client. We have both positive an negative transference as well as positive and negative counter-transference. Resolution this neurotic transference if the essence of the psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy. Our profession depends on this basic premise of winning hearts / trust of patients. 

Crystal’s brilliance

Arora: What is that Psychiatric profession’s strength that makes it an immortal profession?
Dr. Abdul: There are so many specialties in medicine like ENT, gastro, cardiology, neurology, opthalmology etc. All of these professionals have to know how to deal with the psyche of the patients. They can afford to forget the knowledge of many other unrelated specialties but can’t afford to lose the knowledge of psychiatric aspect of their clients.

One time my colleague, she is a gynecologist saw me in the operation theatre. She was surprised and asked me  “ What are you doing here?”. I replied, “ How come you don’t know why I am here?You don’t know that as you work on the lower end of the patient and  I work on her upper end!!! She smiled and replied: No  I have to approach the patient from the top so that I  can get through her bottom.”  The wise gynecologist is a good example that psychiatric knowledge is such immortal.

Arora: What kind of patients will remain eternal and why? Any solution if you can see?
Dr. Abdul: Some facts first! The new development in psychiatric armamentarium made psychiatry more efficient specialty.  Psychiatirc patient now can live normal life. Even patients with severe mental disorders, 25% of them will always be  normal after treatment, the next 50%  will be  a bit sub-normal even with treatment. While the remaining  25%  will give poor response, even with continuous psychiatric attention and care. The solution lies in understanding the secrets that are created in psyche have faith in them and be determined to pool the best out of the dilemma.

Arora: What is the role of upbringing on your patient ?
Dr. Abdul:  Upbringing shapes and reframes us. In childhood you can see the conditioning theory very clearly. If the teacher says to his student that he is smart, he will become smart. If he says he is dumb, he will become dumb. If wrong conditioning remains, psychiatric hospitals will always be busy with patients till eternity. If conditioning is positive, they can develop the resilience to life hiccups or even tragedies. Else, some facts are scary that are out for long. By 2030, Depression will become number one killer taking over the Cardiac attack.  

Arora: How do you define your professional heartbeat (lifeline)? Can it ever become zero?
Dr. Abdul: Wallahi! I hope, I hope, to find my profession to become like small pox, a disease which is eradicated from the world. One of the kings of Egypt, Ramses V, was killed by small pox. If at that time someone says the small pox will be eradicated, he could have been seen as crazy. But today, if we look back, as per my info, last case of small pox was observed in 1975.
Preventive psychiatry was also a movement that if they study it, psychiatrists could be avoided. But so far it’s not possible.  Psychiatric treatment makes changes on cellular level. It’s not just a thought or suggestion but it is capable of changing structure organically. 

Arora: Is there a space in Psychiatrist’s profession for providing innovative treatments?
Dr. Abdul: Each patient is a separate book. You cannot generalize. But there are no innovations as such. But treatment can be tailor made to each patient and this is innovation in our profession. The good mix of psychotherapy, ECT, drug therapy, social therapy, unique approaches etc. makes the psychiatric treatment innovative.

Crystallizer (Predictable and Unpredictable Intelligence)

Arora: What one drastic change you have observed that has crystallized in psychiatric services?
Dr. Abdul: Addictive drugs like cannabis were taken lightly in the past. Now we are sure that cannabis is cause of relapse of all other addictive drugs so look at hashish now as one of the most dangerous addictive drugs. It is not only gate way drug but it works like a prisoner which keep a drug addict in his addiction until he takes overdose and dies.  Actually, it was not scientific. In Egypt, they still have hubbly-bubbly, we say ‘Sheesha’ in arabic language. They have a long history of consuming hashish as something a common prescription for mental disorders. Even I have read Freud’s prescriptions of Cocaine when I was at John Hopkin’s University as a research scholar.  It was common then but now it is banned as it is addictive and is very dangerous. Once you take even for one time, it creates great craving and the addict never gets free from this addiction. So this prescription of this common drug is banned even though many say it is less dangerous than nicotine based cigarettes.

Arora: What is your organizational & professional ‘possessed predictable-intelligence’?
Dr. Abdul: Big & clean sources of professional knowledge from journals, conferences, readings; my clinical experience; and using the sources around the patient like family therapy, marital therapy. So , they are these three categories.

Arora: What ‘unpredictable intelligence’ you are eager to capture?
Dr. Abdul: Yes, I am working on building my research center to capture deeper insights, and intelligence. But it needs investment. If someone can invest in my research center, I can assure you that I can change the face of psychiatry. Other specialties are quick in data collection but it is not the same in psychiatry. It needs time, patience, organizational support and big investment in research to capture this unpredictable intelligence which could unleash great insights that can help psychiatric patients.

Factors preventing Super-Saturation in your profession

Arora: What factors in social environment has supported the society to become mentally insane?
Dr. Abdul: You may laugh if I give you first the reason for becoming a psychiatric patient. People who survive the deadly diseases in the past by virtue of their immunity strength ‘natural survivors’, they will have less mental disorders. But those who survived because of antibiotic and rehydrants, ‘forced survivors’, they will not be mentally healthier than natural survivors. These forced survivors have more chances of having mental disorders. But I don’t say that that medicine is bad or I am against it. I am saying that ‘vaccination of psychiatry’ (in a metaphoric sense), should be developed to help them to cope with the life.  ‘Vaccination of psyche’ has a very bright future.

I see, Bullying is one of the major reason where people abuse each other, whether at home or at work. This is increasing and I see this to be one of the leading reason of people having mental disorders. Bullying someone and getting bullied is not much different. They are two faces of same coin in context of being prone to mental disorder. They both have a heavy impact / influence on ‘forced survivors’ in comparison to ‘natural survivors’

Arora: What factors you see supports the society in becoming mentally healthy than before?
Dr. Abdul:  Love, Faith, Self-confidence, Social skills. All of these factors can help and I see them rising. The more ways you have to connect with others, the stronger your connection is with others and with oneself too. Mental health is just a stronger connection with oneself and with others. When these connections go weak, the person becomes weak and becomes less aware of his weakness. This lack of awareness of one’s weakness and eventually acting out of from this state makes one of a kind of a mental patient.


Arora: What purification treatment is majorly suggested to patients after the completion of consultancy period to avoid recurrence of same problem?
Dr. Abdul: Adherence to medication as prescribed, or follow up visits will suffice this final purification process. .


Arora: What does harmony means to you from Professional perspective?
Dr. Abdul: Harmony means developing effective ways of giving consultation to my clients with the best possible support of my hospital administration and my personal life. Balance between client’s needs, hospital administration rules, and fulfillment of my intellectual / social priorities is crucial for bringing harmony in my profession.

Arora: Any advice to young students and professionals on how to keep themselves mentally fit?

Dr Abdul: Learn how to deal with stress. Stress is inevitable! Acquire Social skills, communication skills, Conflict resolution skills. Learn how to be serene. Don’t become a money making machine. Life is a thousand page adventurous story with the morale to aim for happiness and comes with a small footnote on your possessions. 

List of Previous Interview based Articles:

1. Arora, N. (2014) Key Insights from Crystallization happening in Advisory Services. An Interview with Mr. Adnan Fareed, Senior Financial Consultant, Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organization, Bahrain. (Interview Date: 10th June 2014, Manama)