Tuesday, June 17, 2014

CRYSTALLIZATION OF SPACETIME -An Exploratory Mystical Insight for Business

                                                    CRYSTALLIZATION OF SPACETIME -
                                                    An Exploratory Mystical Insight for Business

Dr. Nitin Arora                                                                                               29th May 2014
Dr. Nitin Arora

The Analogy

Cricket is the most loved game connecting Indians while computing machines have successfully connected the majority of world. Cricket game is now being crystallized from 5 day test match to a 3 hour match. And “big room sized” computer has crystallized from noisy machines to 5 inch silent smartphones. Further, the best game of cricket has become more entertaining when the launch of “IPL” format in 2008 wherein each team has mix of foreign and Indian players. Just imagine IPL format of game, as if, the government of USA for three months hires best leaders and politicians, statesman from all different countries to run its own country for three months. The bitter enemies in contemporary sports competition become teammates for one format of game. What an idea! The early cricketers haven’t seen such glitter in their whole career life what new cricketers have seen in their early periods. The founders of cricket haven’t conceived of even batting pads or one-day match1,2 when they started what to say about inventing IPL format. This game is a big commercial success generating tens of billions of dollars in the span of 3 month every year!  Also the CEO of IBM in 1958 said that only five people in the whole world will buy computers and now the Smartphone worldwide sales are 33 per second in early 2014! Who says, only first movers of industry can create and see the future!!! The followers can not only see and create but can also crystallize the brighter future!!!

By the above two business analogies, I would like to focus on business patterns which are generating commercial success. Be it going from big size to small size machines for computers or reducing large time span to short time span as in the game of cricket.  Be it the early use of computers only for basic mathematical calculation or the futuristic plan for providing global access of internet to astronauts siting on the moon! The pattern for business success lies in holding the heart of entertaining-imagination. And no doubt cricket is loved purely for its entertainment while smartphones have now opened new doors for integrating intelligent entertainment sources.

On a broad level, I see a pattern in these two different businesses – Cricket and smartphones- Crystallization of time and space. Crystallization is a slow process of converting liquid solvent3 to solid crystals using a chemical reaction taking place in a crystallizer. Considering this meaning we can see that Cricket game is successful in “crystallizing time” to generate ‘crystal’ -unpredictable entertainment - from wood and carbon while computers has successfully “crystallized space” for manufacturing ‘crystal’ - predictable entertainment - from plastic and silicon.

If Einstein can somehow read this in his spirit form will surely laugh if I say time & space as two different things. He said time and space are one - “SpaceTime continuum4”. They are not two different things but are one continuum. Both are two aspects of same phenomenon. I am sure business houses also knew this secret of Einstein and are using this knowledge in their decisions:

All predictable-intelligence would be deployed,
By eternally witnessing the unfolding of infinite unpredictable-intelligence;
By learning to reproduce their intelligence patterns;
to weed out, slowly and slowly, the never ending problems of businesses.

The SpaceTime Insight

‘Crystallization of SpaceTime’ means generating a state called ‘Successful Connection’ by businesses or ‘Enlightenment’ by mystics. Success in today’s world is just an acronym of ‘successful connection with customers’. If that very ‘connection’ is lost, success disappears but if the connection is strong and durable, success appears durable and long lasting. Hence the focus on ‘Successful Connection’!. Let’s me expand this insight ‘Crystallization of SpaceTime’ and convey to you all its multi-dimensional essence.  If we look from this perspective into these two inseparable aspects of crystallization then it raises individual and business entities to higher levels of connections. This crystallization perspective provides an insight, a holistic view from mystic and chemical reaction perspectives. Both are capable of giving birth to diamonds- ‘Mystical Enlightenment’ & ‘heart-connection’ respectively. Some businesses might not like to use the word customer for their clients like patients, even for them the core ‘heart-connection’ will still be a valid ultimate objective.

One step further, ancient mystics indicated that this state ‘Enlightenment’ is beyond time and space. Mystics say that time exists because of “bodymind”. (Mind and body are one, not two) and Space exists because of spirit. In that context enlightenment is crystallization of BodyMind and spirit. Bodymind is the ‘crystallizer’ for both the mystic and business. Spirit (with capital S) is the crystal for mystic while ‘heart-connection’ with customer is the crystal for business. The mystics gave birth to Spirit while businesses aim for ‘heart-connections’ with customers. Both Spirit and heart-connections co-exist in the same spacetime continuum. Spirit is imperishable. Heart-connection (product / service) is perishable but changes form keeping the spirit of business imperishable.

Spirit from mystic perspective means Unpredictable Intelligence. It is an eternal witness to both mind and body. It await the moment when individual’s mind and body gets absolutely detached from individuals’ spirit before giving birth to Spirit. Spirit in business means ‘heart-connection’ (predictable intelligence) used for ‘serving the other, with a purpose but captivated by medium’. This ‘Captivated Purpose’ remains as an ‘engaged player’ within individual mind and body of stakeholders involved. It also await the moment when it is successful in holding the hearts of society in utter awe thereby crystallizing itself from the clutches of bodymind.

Predictable-intelligence is always second to unpredictable-intelligence,
Former lies in bodymind while the latter is the magic of the Spirit;
Former is utilitarian while the latter is self-illuminated source of knowledge.

By focusing on ‘SpaceTime’ means focusing on ‘BodyMind and Spirit’. Managing time actually means managing mind and body in the given space. Even sitting silently and doing nothing contributes to immortality of organization in unique ways when having loads of intense actions by disciplined & invincible management stalwarts can’t contribute towards organizational resurrection. But yes, minding one’s mind (subtle actions) and body (coarse actions) will guarantee longevity of an organization ‘lifeline’. And managing space is just giving room for the spirit to move in a given time

Space is just a closet for time,
Like time being the highway for spirit.
Time moves in space,
else it is a senseless linear or parallel stretch of historical, random, disconnected events.
Space expands for time,
else everything simply appears to exist without any sign of growth.

This focus on bodymind will indirectly control time factor embedded in generating successful connections in business world. Both bodymind and time are relative and hence complement each other. Whenever bodymind crystallizes, a new space is created for integrating this new connection. Unless crystallization happens, no new connection can occupy space. Any effort to displace existing heart-connection connections will be more of a mad race rather than keeping a graceful face. A more harmonized connection will definitely displace the less harmonized connection. Any effort to save the latter will just be a delayed darwin’s game of survival of fittest and eventually and reluctantly giving way to the former.


Now the next question arises on how to have increasing harmonies. Harmony is a metaphor for the quality of crystals (Spirit / heart- connection with customers). And achieving harmony means on how to achieve this high quality / high purity of crystals? The only answer:

Focus on Spirit not bodymind.
Keep an eye on achieving successful heart-connection while under bodymind’s captivity.

Time management and Space management are some of its residual benefits of ‘harmony between bodymind and Spirit. Spirit is the unmanifested bodymind. But it is the only reality manifested at the end of crystallization. Focussing on bodymind means beating around the bush while focusing on spirit means witnessing. This witnessing the bodymind leads to harmonized crystallization of one big size Spirit for mystics. Pure crystallization is possible only for Mystics but not for businesses. Hence they have to be recrystallized5 again and again, ad-infinitum, to achieve the status of purity. Why so?

The leader’s purpose during implementation stops at bodymind border due to either too much single-headed obsession with pre-determined purpose or too many strings attached. In both situations it makes it difficult to reach to ultimate realization of true purpose crystals. And this half-baked process eventually leads to crystallization of ‘infinite’, ‘uneven-sized’ & ‘perishable’ connections / crystals. But it is absolutely wise for leader to listen to the voices of responses w.r.t. purpose. Businesses are always a source of multi-dimensional stories of celebration and depression, laughters and cries. Celebration, depression, laughters and screams are all social manifestation of being a part of this world. They are unavoidable, but this is a business life as an ordinary man knows it. Harmony in business is an ideal goal for business but it is not possible to have a full control over’s one choice. All businesses are not complimentary to each other. Most of them have surprisingly antagonistic / cannibalistic nature. A practical anecdote6 will illustrate this business crystal.

A big corporation hired several cannibals. “You are all part of our team now,” said the HR manager during the welcome briefing. “You get all the usual benefits and you can go to the cafeteria for something to eat, but please don't eat any of the other employees.”

The cannibals promised they would not.

A few weeks later, the cannibals’ boss remarked, “You’re all working very hard, and I’m satisfied with you. However, one of our secretaries has disappeared. Do any of you know what happened to her?” The cannibals all shook their heads, “No,” they said.

After the boss left, the leader of the cannibals said to the others angrily, “Right, which one of you idiots ate the secretary?” A hand rose hesitantly in admission. “You fool!” said the leader. “For weeks, we’ve been eating managers and no one noticed anything, but noooooo, you had to go and eat someone important!”

If one wants harmony in business then no stakeholder of society can be left alone living with irresponsible actions. To awake everyone to be responsible means interlocking of bodymind-horns or in another sense far wretched possibility of achieving harmony!!! Harmony in business definitely starts with an individual, having the capacity to engulf the other’s imagination, sufficient enough to start the self-sustaining social chain-reaction. This chain reaction will be potent enough to give birth to many crystals with increasing levels of purity and harmony.

On the other hand, Self-Harmony is an individual and personal affair and it needs a shift of gestalt, to turn your focus towards yourself. The business world is so captivating that one rarely gets to know that one has to also focus on one’s own self too. The life inside the business leader is always busy holding the reins of chaotic and unpredictable SpaceTime and giving an impression that all is under control. But the leader knows that it is a nearly false impression in almost all occasions. On the contrary, self-harmony is a consequence of selfish focus on transcending bodymind. Transcendence touches the core of self i.e. spirit which is an endless - rhythm resonating with the lyrics of Spirit. Just like stillness is at the center of movement and silence is at the core of noise. Similarly relaxation is at the core of BodyMind. And that core is the individual’s spirit. It is utterly relaxed and at harmony and trust with Spirit as it is non-changing unlike ever changing forms of body and mind.  A beautiful story7 will illustrate this Mystic’s crystal.

A man just got married and was returning home with his wife. They were crossing a lake in a boat when suddenly a great storm arose. The man was a warrior, but the woman became very much afraid because it seemed almost hopeless -- THE BOAT WAS SMALL AND THE STORM WAS REALLY HUGE, AND ANY MOMENT THEY WERE GOING TO BE DROWNED. But the man sat silently, calm and quiet, as if nothing was happening.

The woman was trembling and she said, "Are you not afraid? This may be our last moment of life! IT DOESN’T SEEM THAT WE WILL BE ABLE TO REACH THE OTHER SHORE. Only some miracle can save us, otherwise death is certain. Are you not afraid? Are you mad or something? Are you a stone or something?”

THE MAN LAUGHED AND TOOK THE SWORD OUT OF ITS SHEATH. The woman was even more puzzled -- what he is doing? Then he brought the naked sword close to the woman's neck -- so close that just a small gap was there, it was almost touching her neck.  He said, “ARE YOU AFRAID?”

She started to giggle and laugh and said, “WHY SHOULD I BE AFRAID? If the sword is in your hands, why should I be afraid? I know you love me.” He put the sword back and said, “This is my answer. I know God loves me, and the sword is in His hands, and the storm is in His hands -- so WHATSOEVER IS GOING TO HAPPEN IS GOING TO BE GOOD. If we survive, good; if we don’t survive, good -- because EVERYTHING IS IN HIS HANDS, AND HE CANNOT DO ANYTHING WRONG.” This is the trust one needs to imbibe. SUCH TREMENDOUS TRUST IS CAPABLE OF TRANSFORMING YOUR WHOLE LIFE! And ONLY such tremendous trust is capable of transforming your life -- less than that won’t do.

Harmonizing bodymind for business is an eternal process flowing like a sine curve  of alternating current (A.C.) - going up and down from chaos to certainty and then again to chaos. But harmonizing the individual is achieved like a process of transformation of A.C. to direct current (D.C.). It’s a one-time event only and there is no returning back. The sine curve (bodymind’s heartbeat) is transformed once and for all in to a straight line (dead bodymind’s heartbeat).  The latter state is called ‘enlightenment’ while the former sinusoidal state is called ‘Management’.

The comparative differences in Crystals

The crystal of mystic is immortal while the crystal of business is mortal. Spirit can fly on its own without fear for eternity while ‘bodymind originated connection’ remains afraid of its mortal nature. It’s only when Spirit hold the hand of spirit of mystic that fear disappears else only a false display of fearlessness is put up by bodymind. And it is only when ‘successful heart-connection’ is formed that the fear of business is delayed, till the mortal reality resurfaces its hood. Otherwise, peace is the golden garment of mystic while anxiety is the hidden lashes ruthless business world.

Bigger the space-time more is the peace. Smaller the space-time, lesser is the peace. Bodymind remains in the confines of small or big but spirit is beyond the concept of measurement. Hence peace is a distant and relative concept for citizens of business-world while ‘successful heart-connection’ is measurable. The closer you are with the Spirit even at the time of failure ‘You’ are at peace, at ease, at harmony. And the closer the organization is with its own spirit, it is actually at ‘deep introspection stage’ – reformulating / realigning the purpose based on the emerging voices of the customers.

Yes, the other - connection is always distant from your spirit. If the other can command successful connections then it can also command failures, disorientations or disruptions. The other is actually not you. And other cannot be you. Even you cannot be you. It is that You cannot manufacture Yourself. At the most you can discover yourself, and hence you can say that you are just yourself but not that I manufactured myself or invented myself. Any invention about self is always far from the true self, the spirit.  Your bodymind is not the same as the bodymind of others. Hence the uniqueness of every person. But in business one’s bodymind DNA can be copied to create a similar bodymind but it will be the copycat spirit not the original spirit. Crystallization of spirit never took place for the copycat organization. It can breakaway anytime and is at the mercy of both predictable and unpredictable-intelligence.

The next question arises that “how crystallization process stops on its own and does it needs further treatment?”. If you forcibly stop the action oriented bodymind stage of crystallization and force the spirit crystal to come out, the spirit will be small & unstable and not of much use. But if you let the supersaturated heated bodymind cool off unattended, the spirit crystals will form on its own and fall out of the bodymind. They will be pure, stable and big.  Further, there is never a need for performing – recrystallization for the mystic Spirit as the source of impurity, the environment (bodymind), is already transcended. There is no possibility of attachment of any impure bodymind component to the Spirit. But any number of crystallizations done for business purpose, will somehow require re-crystallization, again and again, for removing the attached impurities in the crystal produced. The reason being the changing environment (bodymind) always penetrating the crystals produced by the business.

What to expect from me in my future articles

I have given the secret of ‘crystallization of SpaceTime’ model in your hands. In my forthcoming articles, I will share the key issues brought up during my interviews with leaders and key decision makers from multiple industries / sectors including Online education on how well this insight is applicable to their situation. The interviews will focus on as many possible questions, as mentioned below. The intent is to understand the extent of crystallization completed and what lies ahead for them in their industry to strengthen / build the ‘Connection’. I will attempt to capture the insights hidden from the discussion on their industry specific replies:

1.      On false predictions of their early leaders (industry specific) and if they had re-visioned now.
2.      On how well they are able crystallize ‘heart-connection with customers’.
3.      On their ongoing journey towards achieving immortality (Self-sustaining chain-reaction) status in their Industry.
4.      On how they are utilizing their ‘possessed predictable-intelligence’ to tap the mighty ‘unpredictable-intelligence’.
5.      On their fears of failures and factors affecting their ‘business lifeline’.
6.      On what does harmony means to them from company / Industry point of view and what are they doing for it to achieve it. I will try to focus on the success stories, check-mate situations and the hurdles!!!
7.      And finally, on how their leaders are planning to achieve self-harmony and how it is influencing their employees, customers and key decisions in personal life.

On a closing note, the readers are requested to send me feedback or share their experience or ask questions to me w.r.t. this proposed model ‘Crystallization of SpaceTime – A mystical insight for business’. I am sure your questions will enrich the model which will further refine the future meetings with leaders and key decision makers.


1.      A brief history of cricket; Origins and development. Available from:                                                            < http://www.espncricinfo.com/ci/content/story/239757.html> [10 April 2014]
2.      History of Cricket. Available from : < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_cricket> [10 April 2014]
3.      Growing Quality Crystals, Available from :< http://web.mit.edu/x-ray/cystallize.html> [10 May 2014].
4.      Albert Einstein - spacetime relativity theory. Available from :< http://www.new-science-theory.com/albert-einstein.php? [10 April 2014]
5.      Recrystallization. Available from :<http://www.chem.utoronto.ca/coursenotes/ CHM249/ Recrystallization.pdf [11 May 2014].
6.      Wilson, F. 2010, Organizational Behaviour and Work: A critical Introduction, 3rd edn., Oxford University Press.
7.      Trust. Available from:<http://letssharestories.tumblr.com/post/17934797808/an-amazing-story-of-couple-on-boat-a-man> 

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